Food Access

The Adelante Farmers Market aims to build a healthier community by stewarding access to fresh, local produce and quality foods for all, sold directly from the farmers and producers themselves. We do this through our food access programming.

To learn more about the programs we offer, click on the drop-down menu below.

  • How to use and match your SNAP or EBT Cash benefits at the farmers market

    1. Visit the Information Booth with your EBT Card to withdraw benefits to receive market currency.

    2. Receive tokens to make purchases at vendor booths.

    3. Match your benefits with Double Up Food Bucks for SNAP or EBT Cash Produce Match for EBT Cash, up to $20 per market day.

    4. Use both currencies (tokens and matching script) to purchase eligible products from vendors.

    SNAP Eligible Products

    SNAP-eligible foods such as fruits, vegetables, meats, breads, cheese, honey, nuts, eggs, and edible plant starts. CANNOT be used for non-food items, ready-to-eat foods, hot foods, or alcohol.

    EBT Cash Eligible Products

    All market items.


    USDA Website

    Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Website

  • Double Up Food Bucks & EBT Cash Produce Match are the matching SNAP and EBT Cash benefit currencies. To receive this match, please visit the Information Booth with your SNAP or EBT Cash card and follow the steps below:

    1. Visit the Information Booth with your EBT Card to withdraw benefits to receive market currency.

    2. Receive tokens to make purchases at vendor booths.

    3. Match your benefits with Double Up Food Bucks for SNAP or EBT Cash Produce Match for EBT Cash, up to $20 per market day.

    4. Use both currencies (tokens and matching script) to purchase eligible products from vendors.

    Eligible Products

    Fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, beans, herbs, and edible plant starts. CANNOT be used for baked goods, dairy products, meat, honey, jam, etc.


    Double Up Food Bucks Oregon Website

  • For WIC Farm Direct Participants:

    You need to be enrolled in WIC to get Farm Direct Dollars. Contact your local WIC clinic to learn how to enroll in WIC or to receive Farm Direct for the current season.

    Visit this website for more information.

    Washington County WIC office will be at the Forest Grove Farmers Market the following dates to answer questions and provide additional vouchers: 6/12, 6/26, 7/17

    For Senior Farm Direct Participants:

    The Senior Farm Direct Nutrition Program provides income-eligible seniors with vouchers to purchase fresh, locally grown fruit, vegetables and cut, edible herbs directly from participating farmers at farmers markets and farm stands from June through November. Senior Farm Direct is a state-administered, federal nutrition program intended to improve nutrition for Oregon seniors and support local farmers.

    Participation does not affect medical assistance or SNAP (Food Stamps) benefits.

    Contact the Senior Farm Direct Nutrition Program at 1-866-299-3562 (toll-free) and visit this website for more information.

    How to use and match your WIC or Senior Farm Direct coupons at the farmers market

    1. Visit the Information Booth with your Farm Direct coupons to receive market currency.

    2. Match your coupons with market tokens up to $12 per market day, or three coupons. The Information Booth staff will mark the coupons as matched and return the coupons back to you.

    3. Receive matching tokens to make purchases at vendor booths.

    4. Use both currencies (coupons and matching tokens) to purchase eligible products from vendors.

    Eligible Products

    Fruits, vegetables, cut herbs, mushrooms, and edible plant starts.


    Oregon Health Authority website

  • Did you forget to bring cash to shop with a vendor that doesn’t accept card? Do you want to gift a friend some tokens so they can shop at the markets? Just feel like using wooden tokens to shop?

    Stop by the Information Booth with your debit or credit card to receive our Debit/Credit tokens! These tokens are in $5 increments, and there is a $2.00 card processing fee with purchase.

    Eligible Products

    All market items.

  • On the First Wednesdays in Forest Grove and First Fridays in Cornelius, you will find the Adelante Mujeres Health & Wellness Program conducting Food Insecurity Surveys. After responding to the two questions, you will receive $20 in Fresh Food Coupons to spend at the market.

    Thanks to our funders, we have been able to offer our customers between $5-$20 in Fresh Food Coupons at the Information Booth since 2020.

    In 2024, we are not guaranteed to have coupons at the Information Booth. Please check here for any updates.

    Eligible Products

    Fruits, vegetables, meats, breads, cheese, honey, nuts, eggs, jams, and edible plant starts. CANNOT be used for: non-food items, ready-to-eat foods, hot foods, or alcohol.

  • When Kids visit the Adelante Farmers Markets and participate in the Power Of Produce (POP) Kid’s Activity they are given POP Bucks to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Food Access Programs